Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Video Reflections 11

Copyright is a subject that I have thought about but always find it hard to care about. I never intend to make a profit off of someone's work. As an art teacher I will have to make sure that my students stay original. But then again in postmodernism, art is all about using readymades in a different context than they were originally intended. I will cover my basis by using materials in an educational setting, and never selling any copyrighted materials.

Video Reflections 10

It is great that the students get a chance to teach. i think that this is very important for the students to understand how much it takes for their teachers to teach them. The students also get to enjoy sharing their knowledge with other children. This also benefits the other children, for they are able to learn with differentiated instruction.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Video Reflections 9

Correct! Teachers want the students to learn the meaning behind information. Meaning-based learning is the most important. I am a visual learner. I think that it is still important to teach in several different ways. It is important to teach students within context. Students will develop how they can learn best. I am still confused on the whole theory. Every child has a different way of learning and different interests. I believe that meaning is the most important (at least for art) to get across for the students. All in all, I'm confused!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Video Reflections 8

Environmental Health Video. I like that the kids are to make persuasive videos on health education. Videos also allow for creative thinking. I enjoy watching the students be challenged creatively while learning. I am a big fan of the collaboration of subjects, health and language arts. I would like to collaborate art with every other subject in my lesson plans. The lesson connects to several different standards across curriculum and subjects.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Video Reflections 7

I liked the lesson. I liked how the teacher used the metronome to make sure that the students were all stepping together. It was nice to see forms of technology other than a computer. I think that having the students create their own charts by hand still assesses their ability to graph, understand, and compare data. A computer is not necessary to make a chart or graph, it is just neater. The kids seemed to have enjoyed the lesson. The students liked stepping together and they liked having the ability to move and create data that is personal to them. the meanings behind lessons are always stronger when students can make a personal connection with them.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Video Reflections 6

The video had both aspects that are true for my life and not true for my life. I don't bring my laptop to class unless I have to. I do not want to be tempted to mess around on the computer during class. I prefer to write notes, I learn better that way. I agree with the second video. There is so much technology out there that students should be encouraged to learn. Most students love technology and would be more engaged by learning through technology. I have never really been a fan of technology until college. However, I feel that the old ways of doing things will get lost. For example, Northern no longer offers a film photography class, everything is now digital. We lost that art. Technology should be added on to teaching, but not replace the old ways. I feel like the old ways should be taught so that students can appreciate how far we have come.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Video Reflections 5

I really enjoyed this video. The internet can be a useful tool, but can remove us from the real world. I like the internet for some aspects, but ultimately it is a form of instant gratification. The internet makes us lazy people. Instead of doing the research ourselves, we borrow the works of others. Many people loose their true identity in the realm of the web world. I am a big fan of skype and it's ability to allow us to communicate through video with people across the world. Email is something I check several times a day. I communicate with my professors, co-workers, and family members via email. Unfortunately, I receive about ten times more spam than I do emails. I am guilty of using facebook as well. I talk to my friends over facebook chat and keep up with people I haven't seen since high school. I utilize the internet a lot in college, even if it is for procrastination (facebook). My fear is that we will loose our abilities to think and act creatively by borrowing the works of others.